What patients are saying
Dr. Savannah is a rare gem of a physician. She offers immeasurable value through her training, knowledge, and experience, and her presence alone is a catalyst for healing. I scheduled with Dr. Savannah while I was in medical school - I wanted help with my breathing (an issue that was resolved in 1 session with her), but our appointment had a lasting impact on me for another reason.
There’s a saying that goes “You can only meet people as deeply as you’ve met yourself”. And what became apparent to me is that Dr. Savannah has committed so deeply to her own personal journey, that she has unlocked a divine capacity to meet patients on levels that far exceed what other physicians are capable of. While many doctors tell you to do things that they themselves are unwilling to do, Savannah is the embodiment of the medicine. Our appointment was the impetus for me to delve into my own healing journey - a turning point with remarkable implications. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
— MS, patient, 2023
Dr. Savannah is the all time best ever. I was getting sick all the time, getting hives randomly to the point of having to carry a Epi pen, getting bloody noses, fatigue, aches and pain in my muscles. Dr’s couldn’t figure it out. So i decided to try a Natural path doctor, and Dr. Savannah was the one. She diagnosed me with mold toxicity, we started detoxing my body, gut etc and I haven’t had hives, bloody noses, a chest cold, fatigue for almost 1 year now. I actually feel amazing now and have way more energy than ever getting all those toxins out of my body. She is the best! 5 star worthy!
—Heather, patient, 2024
Before going to Dr. Savannah, I felt like I was kind of drowning in my anxiety and not able to “come out of the water”, as we’ve talked about. However after learning tools and gaining more intricate support on my anxiety, I feel so much more confident and happy with myself. It’s hard to deal with anxiety without knowing what causes it and how to help it, but I feel like my energy has shifted for the better after seeing Dr. Savannah.
—NH, patient, 2023
Dr. Savannah is an awe-inspiring Naturopathic Doctor. She embodies such warmth and kind-heartedness. Her energy is calm, grounded, and compassionate. In my opinion, Dr. Savannah is a perfect example of what a doctor (and human) should be.
One of the many reasons I admire and respect Dr. Savannah is her transparency. She is committed to growing and being curious in her personal and professional life. She strives to be better and shares her knowledge and experiences with others. She genuinely cares and wants contentment for everyone.
I felt an immediate comfort and safeness with her. She creatively questions and provides wisdom to guide me through my self-discovery attentively and without judgement. She has been essential in my growth and self-understanding. I am so grateful to have Dr. Savannah in my life as she is helping me be the best I can be.
—Sav, patient, 2023
I met Dr. Savannah when I was at an incredibly terrifying and hopeless point in my healing journey, after nearly a lifetime of unsolved medical mysteries. After my first session with her, I knew that she would be an integral part of my care team, and that we were going to get to the bottom of this together. Within a few weeks, not only had she ordered labs that I had fiercely self-advocated for but never received from other practitioners, she also led me to the most accurate diagnosis I've received in my life. Never have I felt more seen, heard, held, and supported by a practitioner. She embodies the definition of mind-body-spirit holistic care, addressing not only the physical body but the soul that lives within. Dr. Savannah has been a light in the dark, a mirror reflecting my greatest truths, a soul to walk beside me on this journey, and one of the most knowledgeable practitioners I've worked with. I highly recommend her to anyone who is READY to get to the root in order to heal.
— BM, patient, 2022
Dr. Savannah is nothing short of amazing. Not only has she helped me go deep into understanding what’s going on in my own health journey and helped me improve, but everyone I have referred to her has been helped so much and always tells me how they are referring her to all their friends and family. I would not hesitate to reach out- you will not regret it.
— Danielle, patient, 2023
I highly recommend Dr. Bukant to all my patients with gut health, pelvic health, diet, lifestyle and general health needs. She is an excellent partner in care and helps my patients get to the bottom of their ailments with treatments that are carefully planned and supported by conservative healing methods. I am so grateful to have someone like her in the medical community who truly listens to, cares about and connects to people like I do.
— Laura, Physical Therapist, 2022
Dr. Savannah’s approach to healing is rather simple and profound. During my session, she was easily able to pick up on what was triggering my hives and histamine response and offered me multiple solutions that gave me quick results and relief. Her humanitarian approach to wellness and healing is a breath of fresh air in this day and age, and I felt seen and really heard during our session together. I can’t recommend her enough!
—SB, client, 2023
Savannah has been an amazing and empathetic guide on my healing journey. She truly listens and is never dismissive of my concerns. With her assistance, I've gotten a diagnosis for EDS, found many of my food triggers, and was able to find alternative routes for relieving Endometriosis. She continues to help me discover the best path that is unique to me, my body, and my life. I would recommend her to anyone, especially those who've been hurt, ignored, or been given ineffective treatment through standard Healthcare. She's amazing about also working with you no matter your financial situation. She's truly such an amazing light in this world.
— Allie, patient, 2023
Dr. Savannah has been very supportive of our journey. She brings the knowledge, patience, communication skills, and tenacity needed to help us with our medical issues. She responds in a quick manner to all requests and plus she is just plain nice to deal with.
— DS, patient, 2023
I started working with Dr. Savannah on a consistent basis at a time in my life where everything felt so overwhelming and I just felt stuck. Dr. Savannah made me feel so safe, seen, heard, and understood. With her help, I was able to make the small, incremental steps I needed to move forward and it changed my life. There aren't words to describe how grateful I am to her for her help and support. I could not recommend her more!
— JS, client, 2023
Dr. Savannah has been very supportive of our journey. She brings the knowledge, patience, communication skills, and tenacity needed to help us with our medical issues. She responds in a quick manner to all requests and plus she is just plain nice to deal with.
— DS, 2023
I had an initial consult with Dr. Savannah and she really took the time to hear me and feel what I was experiencing. She was so insightful and very thorough in her intake process and I felt so comfortable and safe sharing with her about the issues I was having. Her process and the way she supports her clients is holistic and I learned so much and gained a greater awareness about how stress is impacting my health. It was a no-brainer for me when I decided to work with her and her suggestions had an immediate impact. I came to her with a chronic case of hives (had them every day for months on end after having covid) and after the first week of her suggestions and protocols, I’ve been free of them! :) I would highly recommend working Dr. Savannah. Her work exemplifies what healthcare truly looks like and what it should be.
— Sarah, Client, 2022
Dr. Bukant has made an incredibly positive impact on my life. She, for the first time, helped me learn to love my body just the way it is. Something I never thought would happen. She changed my relationship with food to a positive one, about nourishing my body with what I eat rather than counting or feeling guilty. I have never felt so heard or understood by a doctor before. We are now transitioning into talk therapy and I am so hopeful! A truly lovely, knowledgeable, and kind doctor!
— MG, patient
I do not have a big enough vocabulary to share how much Dr. Savannah has impacted my life. I have never felt so cared for, heard, understood, and valued by a physician. Dr. Savannah has perseverance, drive, knowledge, compassion, and thoughtfulness that becomes evident the moment you meet her. I have been seeing her for almost a year now and she has just helped unlock huge barriers of my wellness that I have been searching for answers on for years. Finding Dr. Savannah has been a game changer for my health that I could not be more grateful for. The moment I found out I would have 45 full minutes with a care provider for appointments, I knew this experience is unlike any other and I wanted in. Trust me when I say you want this fierce advocate on your team. You will not regret it!!!
— Annika, patient
I started seeing Dr. Bukant after a debilitating injury decimated my quality of life. I was in constant pain, both physically and emotionally. During my first appointment with Dr. Bukant, it was clear to me that I was in the right place to begin the healing process. Dr. Bukant is compassionate, has an immense depth of knowledge, and is an excellent communicator. I always feel open and comfortable during our sessions, even when I'm at my most vulnerable. With her guidance, I was able to learn how to tune in and listen to what my mind and body were telling me - this was something I had neglected to do for many years. Dr. Bukant helped me to reconnect with someone I had forgotten long ago - myself! To say the least, this has been one of the most transformational moments in my life. When I look back at where I started at the beginning of this journey, I can't believe how far I've come in terms of healing, and I know that it wouldn't have been possible without Dr. Bukant's expert care.
— Ryan, patient
Dr. Bukant gets to the real issues behind the issues with health. I never feel rushed, always feel heard, and leave with action steps that have literally changed my life! The approach of mind, body, soul is the approach of healing. Medicine, meditation, gratitude is all a part of good practice as we continue to learn how much mind, body and soul are connected. I recommended Dr. Bukant to ANYONE without hesitation! I was feeling SO lost, SO down, and her treatment and care for me has lifted me up! Your mind, body and soul will find peace at this place of first-class practice. Can’t speak highly enough!
— KJ, patient, 2021
I’ve been an anxious person my whole life, but recently experienced traumatic events that, unbeknownst to me, showed up in my mind, my relationships, and most of all in my body. I didn’t understand how it all related, and neither did the doctors I had already seen (or they didn’t take the time to try and explain it). I was misdiagnosed and medicated for issues I didn’t actually have.
The first time I opened up to Savannah was the first time I felt hopeful and understood. I actually believed I could get healthy again. She listened intently, confirmed I wasn’t crazy, and educated me on the miraculous and beautiful connection between the human body and the mind. I no longer feared it, but became curious. She helped me become an advocate for my body and led me to freedom, which was all I really needed to feel like myself again.
— EJ, Patient, 2020
I started working with Savannah at a time where I had a lot of anxiety around my physical health. She created a space where I was able to unlock the root cause of my anxiety, my physical response and why I was experience it at this time. Having unblocked years of suppressed emotions and survival mechanism, I was able to start healing, living and breathing again. I began trusting and managing the information my body was giving me (pain) coming back to a sense of reality and security. Learning the mindfulness practice, functional breathing and imagery that worked best for me, I was able to avoid many ER visits and anxiety attacks. One of the most powerful sessions occurred while I was on day 2 of terrible migraine in which I couldn’t even open my eyes ( my eyes were closed for 30 mins of the session ) and by the end of the session I had zero pain! And experience no migraine after this.
Savannah’s interest in healing, understanding of the nervous system and compassionate care were vital in my healing journey and I am forever grateful for our work together.
— EP, Client, 2020
Savannah is so beautiful and powerful. We connected at a moment I was feeling really disconnected from my body. I was under a lot of stress, and I could tell that it was manifesting in my sense of wellbeing, and I was having different sources of stress and discomfort in my body. Instantly Savannah helped me feel calmer. She helped me understand what was happening. She helped me connect to my body in a deep level. She helped me begin to identify the practical things I could do to help me feel at peace and grounded and safe and calm within my body. It really transformed the situation i was in, and lead to a really beautiful place. Something that could have been, and felt very isolating, turned into something that helped me feel connected to myself, a learning moment, and helped me feel connected to myself and my healing journey. I’m infinitely grateful to Savannah for that.
—KA, Client, 2020
“The session with Savannah gave me so many aha-moments in understanding myself deeper. She had a way to ask those perfect questions to get to the very core of what I was needing to heal, hear and understand, and I felt immense relief when what needed to become clear, got clarified and got out in the open. Because of that I now know what I need to express for myself and in my relationship in order to feel better, feel happy and proud about the parts I had suppressed, and to better the relationship both with myself and my partner.
Savannah also gave me tools to work with, both physically and to shift my mindset to anchor in the body and mind connection. She is so incredibly skilled in honing in what the real/unconscious problem is, with such a gentleness and encouragement! If you feel at all that you want to feel better either emotionally or physically, even just in general, I highly recommend a session with Savannah!”
— KS, Client, 2020
Savannah’s Wellness Blueprint was such an eye opener for me. She helped me see that we have a lot of the answers inside of ourselves and sometimes we just need someone to help us pull them out of us. Within five minutes of our session, I could tell she had a gift and I knew that I’d be working with her well beyond our Wellness Blueprint. She provided me with actionable steps to take after our session so I can start seeing change in my life right now. I’m already feeling so much more awake and no longer believe there’s no hope for me to feel really good again!!
— BF, Client, 2020
Dr. Savannah was mind-blowingly awesome. I've suffered with mood swings and cravings for years. Ever since I had my first child, twelve years ago I've struggled with weight. Every day since has been difficult for me not to think about the weight I've gained and how mad I am at myself for putting it on. Since participating in this course, my eyes have been opened. She has helped unlock in me that beauty that has been wanting to get out for 12 years now. I am worrying less about my weight and actually believe I’m beautiful, at any weight. I feel like a brand new woman. She is UH-MAZING at really getting down to the core of who you are and speaking into your soul. I recommend everyone who wants to find themselves and really get down to the core of who they are go to her, no matter the cost. She is worth every penny. I will now always have Dr. Savannah to go to whenever I have an issue. She is amazing.
—LH, Client, 2020
Savannah is a very talented mind and body coach. Even though our sessions were video I could tell she was very intuitive. Savannah pointed out and helped me investigate with compassion certain behaviours that were coming from a state of surviving trauma that I thought were just embedded within me. She taught me to keep myself safe in my body even through distress. With her coaching I have come so far in such little time. I believe I can heal fully and am not a victim of my environment because of her. Thank you.
— Alice, 2020
Savannah has the unique ability to help you find an anchor that is easy to use during times of distress. She creates a space that allows for ease of conversation in relation to difficult topics, which we found through walking around aimlessly. She meets you where you are to help you find your superpower.
— Shayna, Colleague, 2021
Savannah is one of the most natural born healers I’ve ever met. She has an incredibly comforting and understanding nature that simply radiates. My mind-body healing experience with Savannah has brought a whole new awareness into my life and has positively impacted me in so many ways. I have learned so much through her and am very grateful she is on my healing journey!
— JG, Client, 2020
Savannah is the kind of doctor I wish I had growing up. Kind, empathetic, caring, nurturing, strong AND knowledgeable about all avenues of health and wellness. Every issue I brought to her, she came back to me with a myriad of helpful tips and healing modalities I could try that would work FOR ME. Savannah tailors her support to you and only you. And let me tell you, this is a very refreshing change from seeing a series of doctors who ultimately just end up throwing a bunch of prescriptions at you. Thank you so much for everything you do, Dr. Bukant!
—EG, client, 2022