are you Winter Ready?

1-hour free webinar

Wednesday 10/25 at 5p PT

Dr. Savannah’s holistic, naturopathic approach to preparing body and mind for a more confident, healthy, and resilient Winter season

Learn how to…

  • Support and strengthen your immune system without medications

  • Create consistent health & self-care routines that support, energize, and ground you

  • Learn “how to Yin": practice flowing with the dark, cool, slow energy of the Yin season

PLUS! I’ll be sharing…

  • What I’m stocking in my own winter medicine cabinet

  • How I’m preparing without fear for when the you-know-what comes around

  • The three blood tests I’m running before winter begins

  • The soup and drink recipes that make my regular winter rotation

  • What I’m doing (and will keep doing) to sleep better at night, and WHY

After submitting the form, you’ll be redirected to the Zoom registration. Fill out the Registration, then Zoom will email you with the meeting link. Remember to add the event to your calendar. Can’t wait to see you there!