Chronic EBV
If you’re sleeping all the time but still exhausted, you may be dealing with chronic reactivated EBV.
What is Chronic EBV?
EBV stands for epstein barr virus. It’s the virus that causes the flu-like illness, mononucleosis. EBV is in the Herpes Virus family, and these viruses have the ability to “hide out” in the cells of the body. When your immune system is compromised, these viruses come out of hide and start to proliferate. Your immune system reacts to the virus by mounting an inflammatory response, and this is what makes you feel crummy. This inflammation can cause fatigue, depression, physical pain, brain fog, and emotional issues to name a few.
How do I heal chronic EBV?
The first thing we need to do together is investigate why you have reactivated EBV in the first place. No symptom is random. Your body is communicating through your fatigue.
Most of us humans have encountered EBV before and/or have had mono sometime in our lives. But only a fraction of people experience a reactivation of this virus. We need to understand what specific factors are making your immune system susceptible to chronic viral illness. Things like sleep deprivation, sympathetic dominance (high stress response), insufficient nutrition, and mold illness are a few interrelated factors that together play a role in triggering chronic EBV.
Through a personalized, comprehensive Naturopathic treatment plan, we can get your symptoms under control. Life is way too short to feel constantly tired.
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